Yalla Israel with Leontine & Alan
Intriguing, complicated, AMAZING Israel! Two professional Israel tour guides ; Leontine, born and raised in Holland and Alan, a good ole boy from Memphis, Tennessee, delve into Israel's complexities through personal stories, weekly topics and their adventures to off the beaten track places.You will get to know and enjoy Israel with Leontine and Alan every Sunday.
Podcasting since 2022 • 100 episodes
Yalla Israel with Leontine & Alan
Latest Episodes
Tal Shachar; More Than A Moshav!
In this episode, we drive through Moshav Tal Shachar out the back gate, past the wheat and cotton fields, across the railroad tracks to the enchanted "Cyclamen Hill." There are so many reasons to visit Tel Shachar than just cyclamens like...
Season 3
Episode 99

Why Tel Aviv Is Called The "White City"
Tel Aviv is known as the "White City." In this episode, we sit on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv admiring the unique International or Bauhaus style of architecture all around us and explain why UNESCO recognized Tel Aviv as a World Heritage S...
Season 3
Episode 98

In this episode, we visit "Hostage Square" in Tel Aviv. Somber, meaningful and vital. Hostage Square, located in front of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and directly across from the Ministry of Defense and the Israeli Army Command Cente...
Season 3
Episode 97

Tower of David.......Not!
In this episode, we are recording from Migdal Cafe at the "Tower of David." Most tours of Jerusalem's Old City begin at the Jaffa Gate in the shadow of David's Tower. Is it really the Tower of David? Find out in this 96th episode of Yalla Israe...
Season 3
Episode 96